Medical and Legal

Medical Information

If you have been raped or sexually assaulted, it is important to get medical attention as soon as possible, whether or not you decide to report to the Gardai. 

Personal Health

It is important to get medical help if you have been raped or sexually assaulted.  You may have bruises, scratches, lacerations and some may be internal (in the vagina or anus).  There is also the possibility of pregnancy or sexually transmitted infections.

Forensic Evidence

If you decide to report rape to the Gardai, you will be asked to undergo an examination to collect forensic evidence which will be used to support your case.

You should not wash or shower before having a forensic examination as this could wash away evidence.  You should also keep the clothes you were wearing when you were attacked.

Sexual Assault Treatment Unit

If you have been raped, you can contact the Sexual Assault Treatment Unit (SATU) where you will be offered support, information and medical attention, including for the possibility of pregnancy or sexually transmitted infection.  If you are over 18 years of age, you can attend the SATU whether you are reporting or not. 

If you are reporting to the Gardai, forensic evidence will be collected while you are in the SATU.  If you are over 18 years of age, you also have the option of having your forensic evidence stored for 12 months so that you have time to consider whether you wish to report or not. 

The South East SATU is based in University Hospital Waterford - Tel: 051 842157

Reporting to the Gardai

Whether you have suffered sexual violence recently or in the past, whether as a child or as an adult, you can report to the Gardai, and you can do so by contacting your local Garda station.  You can request to meet with a female Garda, if you would prefer that and you can ask for information about what would happen if you do report. You can ask as many questions as you need so you can have a clear understanding of the process.  Waterford now has a specialist Protective Services Unit so you may be referred to an officer there.

The Gardai will arrange to take a statement from you.  In some cases, it may not be possible to do this immediately, so an appointment will be made. 

A statement is a legal document and it is important to give as much information and detail as you can.  You have the right to have someone accompany you for support while you make your statement, and to request a copy of your statement once completed.

The Gardai will then move ahead with their investigation, interviewing any potential witnesses and obtaining physical evidence such as CCTV.  All evidence and statements will be compiled in a Garda file which is sent to the office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, who will decide whether or not to proceed with the case and, if so, what charges will be brought against the accused person.  This whole process can take several months.  If the DPP do decide to prosecute, the case will proceed to a criminal trial, where you will be a witness for the Prosecution.  There may be preliminary court hearings before the trial, which you are entitled but not required to attend.

You have the right to be given the name, telephone number and station of the investigating Garda, and to be kept informed of the progress of the case.

If you have questions or want more information about the legal process, Rape Crisis Network Ireland have developed a detailed Guide to the Legal Process for Survivors of Sexual Violence which is available on their website or by contacting us in the Waterford Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre.