Central Statistics Office shows that majority of victims of sexual offences knew their suspected offender

The statistics published by the Central Statistics Office (CSO) on April 30th 2024 show that most suspected offenders of sexual offences are known to their victims. The figures outline that where a crime has been detected by An Garda Síochána, 7 in 10 victims in 2022 knew the suspected offender. Only 3 in 10 detected offences accounted for cases where the victim and suspect were strangers. 

Recorded Crime Victims 2023 and Suspected Offenders 2022


The suspected offender was known to the victim in...

seven in ten (71%) detected Sexual offences

two out of three (67%) detected Assaults and Related offences



six in ten (60%) victims were male

Harassment & Related offences...

just over two in three (68%) victims were female

Of victims who reported incidents of Sexual offences...four in five (81%) were female just under half (49%) were under 18 when the incident took place.

If you or anyone you know is affected by sexual violence of any form you can call or text us at Freephone: 1800 296 296 - Text Us: 087 2233730


Navigating the Reality of Adult Sexual Violence: Insights and Support